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About Us

Love Mother Earth has always been a very personal story.

What began as products made originally for myself and to help my family grew quite rapidly into a small business which is now helping thousands of lovely people like you.

My daughter & I had suffered with eczema and extremely sensitive skin all of our lives; as quickly as we would discover products we could use we became sensitive to them.

The final straw came when I discovered a prescribed emollient for my eczema was highly flammable due to the parabens in it. I started researching this and found that approximately 50 people a year were seriously burned or injured after using this paraben filled product.

So, I set out to find a better way. I started creating and making my own entirely organic soaps and moisturisers. 

Today, this is all I use on my skin, and it has never felt so soft and lovely. There is no tightness after showering, just clean healthy skin.

My wish now is to help every person learn a better way to care for their skin and be healthier.... so Love Mother Earth was created.

A’ho! Mitakuye Oyasin!



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